March 29th
San Juan Capistrano, CA
May 24th
Los Angeles, CA
June 8th
Seattle, WA
Eugene, OR
July 12th
Los Angeles, CA
December 4tht
San Antonio, TX

W 100 - 10.94 - Michell-Lee Ahye
M 100 - 9.92 - Trayvon Bromell
W 100H - 12.69 - Britany Anderson
M 110H - 13.11 - Omar McLeod
W 200 - 22.67 - Morolake Akinosun
M 200 - 20.22 - Yohan Blake / Josephus Lyles
W 400 - 50.30 - Kendall Ellis
M 400m - 45.14 - Johnnie Blockburger
W 400H - 55.11 - Rhonda Whyte
W 800 - 1:58.18 - Allie Wilson
M 800 - 1:44.47 - Festus Lagat / Jonah Koech
W 1500 - 3:59.72 - Josette Norris
M 1500 - 3:32.93 - Justin Kipkoech
Event Records
W Mile - 4:24.95 - Taryn Rawlings
M Mile - 3:54.80 - Drew Hunter
W Steeple - 9:23.55 - Krissy Gear
M Steeple - 8:15.08 - Kenneth Rooks
W 5000 - 14:35.34 - Sifan Hassan
M 5000 - 13:02.03 - Jakob Ingebrigtsen
W 10,000 - 29:48.34 - Tsigie Gebreselama
M 10,000 - 26:33.84 - Grant Fisher
W High Jump - 1.96 - Vashti Cunningham
W Long Jump - 6.80m - Brittney Reese
M Long Jump - 7.86 - Tristan James
M Shot Put - 21.53m - Payton Otterdahl
All media must submit a request for credentials for each Sound Running event prior to the event deadline.
Sound Running will have a pre-determined number of credentials for media at each event and will determine which media submissions are given credentials. Media credentials will be issued to media based on space and overall event needs. Sound Running does not guarantee that any credentials will be approved to any organization. On a case-by-case basis, Sound Running will consider applications for media credentials from independent media representatives and special projects. Credentials will be granted to these individuals if space allows and after all established media outlets have been accommodated.
Sound Running will inform all media requesting credentials of their status and whether they will be able to attend as media.
Credentials must be worn at all times during the event. Each credential is issued for ONLY the journalist accepted through the credential process and may not be transferred. Credentials may not be given or loaned to another person for any reason.
Credentialed journalists will receive admission with access to media areas and mixed zones. Any misuse of provided media credential will mean immediate loss of the credential, removal, and loss of credentials for future events for the credentialed party and media outlet.
Photographers must be employed by an accredited and established media organization. All photographs taken at the event are to be used solely for non-commercial purposes by the publication and website for which an individual is credentialed.
On a case by case basis credentials can be assigned to freelance photographers. All photos must be available to Sound Running and can be used on web, social, promotional materials. Any third party requesting photos will be sent directly to the photographer.
Failure to comply with the policies stated above will result in the immediate loss of credential for all future Sound Running events.
Media Rights means the right to broadcast, transmit, display, film and photograph the Event, as well as all recordings thereof (or any part thereof) in any form and in all Media.
You may not use, copy, reproduce, distribute, broadcast, display, sell, license, or otherwise exploit videos and or services for any other purposes without the prior written consent of Sound Running, LLC.
All individuals or authorized representatives for an organization who have been accepted for accreditation for any Sound Running event or production must both agree and follow the conditions outlined below. Any violation of these requirements will result in revocation of the individual’s or authorized representative’s accreditation.
Media are not permitted to broadcast, transmit, live stream, distribute, or permit others to broadcast, transmit, live stream or distribute an entire event on a live or tape delayed basis.
No LIVE video may be taken at Sound Running events of any kind.
No race video more than 5 seconds and no race video of any kind may be filmed or distributed on any media channel.
Third party or individual media outlets do NOT have the right to distribute or license clips and/or highlights of any event via any means or media.
Media may NOT provide the competition footage to any third-party.
Third-party outlets may record athlete interviews in the mixed zone or other designated press areas ONLY.
For distribution, the only type of Footage that may be distributed is interviews with participants (e.g., athletes, coaches, officials) Once again, these interviews must be captured in designated media interview areas and/or mixed zones, away from the track or any competition area.
All digital sources following the above guidelines must also tag the appropriate Sound Running social channels. The following video credit must be displayed over any Footage for the duration of the clip: “Courtesy of Sound Running”.
For any Sound Running Event footage licensing requests and/or inquiries, please contact Heather Stephens at